Market Timing Vs. Staying Invested: The Facts Head-to-Head
Addressing the giant elephant in the room, we are obviously with the staying invested camp. By focusing on our investment objectives and staying invested, it gives us an edge over the market timers who may be too distracted and affected by short-term news flow and headlines. But don’t take our word for it, the numbers do not lie. Here are a few facts to pique your interest:
1. Missing the best days can be costly
Market timers have a tendency to switch in to equity market when they see an opportunity to make a quick buck. Having accomplished their goal, they will immediately switch out. They will run this playbook over and over again whenever opportunity presents itself.
However, excessive movements in and out of the market can actually be counter-productive. As much as they are at risk of being caught out if the markets suddenly turn against them, they also risk missing out on the best days of a market rally.
Look no further than an analysis conducted in 2016 by Fidelity Investments and independent research firm, Morningstar. Just missing the five best days of the rally could mean the market timer’s returns are only $331,794.84 compared to the investor who remained invested; whose returns come up to $512,476.84. This meant a difference of $180,682 or 54% more of what the market timer could have achieved, had he not tried to time the market.
Timing the market can cost you
Hypothetical growth of $10,000 invested in the S&P 500 from Jan. 1,180 to May 20, 2016
Sources: Ibbotson, Fidelity Mgmt & Research Company, Morninigstar
We think an analogy can be found to differentiate investors from market timers. RefDeriarigngra tmo ,1 both drivers are heading to the same
location with similar traffic conditions. Driving style though, differs consideDrraivbelyr. 1 patiently keeps in his lane whDileri ver 2 weaves in an
out, in an effort to get to the destination faster.
Diagram 1 : Driving Style Analogy for Market Timers and Investors
Granted, Driver 2, may be able to get to his destination faster by a few minutes, but by moving out of lanes where he perceives to be slower and moving in to lanes where he thinks will give him a slight advantage, this increases his risk of being involved in an accident. This will come at the cost of his time and money, setting him back even further. Ultimately, will his actions be worth it? Can he truly beat the traffic?
2. Remain invested even through market volatility to generate superior returns
Fear is an inherent human emotion, so it’s quite natural to assume that investors fear to hold on to their investments especially during what seems to be, market-moving events.
However, wise investment decisions are usually made without emotional interference. Besides that, the intensity and fervour of these
market-moving events and other headline grabbing news usually die down after a couple of weeks.
Riding through short-term market swings isn’t such an unacceptable proposition that some make it out to be. On the contrary, it can pay off to
remain invested rather than switch out at the first sign of trouble. A 2015 study by Fidelity Investments vindicates our case: