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Areca Distributor

Areca Flash: Issue 21, January – June 2021

“Amidst these trying times, this pandemic had brought about a change in the way we function in order to adapt to new conditions and in achieving our day to day the goals.” Click the link below to read more on the 21st issue of Areca Flash: Click Here

Areca Flash: Issue 20, July – December 2020

“As a team, Areca Capital had taken a very different approach to bring out the silver lining in every cloud that came our way, drawing great opportunity in trying times.” Click below to read more on the 20th issue of Areca Flash: Click Here

Areca Flash: Issue 19, January – June 2020

“What does 2020 bring and with it, are there any opportunities? As our theme suggests – Where is the diamond in the rough?” Click the link below to read more on the 19th issue of Areca Flash: Click Here

Areca Flash: Issue 17, January – June 2019

“2018 was a challenging year as investors were faced with a multitude of uncertainties on the external and local front. But what would 2019 bring?” Click the link below to read more on the 17th issue of Areca Flash: Click Here