Fund Name
Areca Focus Leverage Fund 2
Fund Category/Type
Wholesale Fund with flexible asset allocation / Growth
Objective of the Fund
The Fund aims to provide Medium to Long Term capital growth.
Launch Date
30 December 2022
Asset Allocation
Flexible allocation between equity and fixed income depending on prevailing economic conditions and market outlook.
Base Currency
Class of Units
Investment Strategy
The Fund may invest up to 100% of its NAV in permitted investments with flexible allocation in its assets to achieve a potential higher return by freely changing risk degree according to current market conditions. Depending on the market conditions, the Fund may concentrate its investments on few selected asset classes or a single investment that has potential capital growth or that will minimize the Fund exposure to market risks.
The Fund may deploy a short to mid Term (below 5 years) Leverage strategy to increase potential returns of the Fund.
To mitigate Leverage risk, the Fund shall not leverage more than 80% LTV with additional 5% allowance in the event of depreciation or appreciation of the Fund’s NAV. For instance, the Fund may leverage up to 2 times of its NAV in permitted investments or up to 3 times the NAV in Government Securities. The Fund may pledge its assets as collateral to reduce LTV or mitigate call risk.
Performance Benchmark
Absolute Return of 5% per annum
(Data Maintenance: Updates underway for data accuracy. Some data may not be up to date. Please refer to the attached Fund Documents for current information. Thank you for your patience.)
Total Return | 1-Year | 3-Year | 5-Year | 10-Year | Since Inception |
MYR | 3.09 | - | - | - | 11.06 |
HKD | 0 | - | - | - | 0 |
USD | 0 | - | - | - | 0 |
Total Return | MYR |
1-Year | 3.09 |
3-Year | - |
5-Year | - |
10-Year | - |
Since Inception | 11.06 |
Total Return | HKD |
1-Year | 0 |
3-Year | - |
5-Year | - |
10-Year | - |
Since Inception | 0 |
Total Return | USD |
1-Year | 0 |
3-Year | - |
5-Year | - |
10-Year | - |
Since Inception | 0 |
As of 03 Mar 2025.
Annual Management Fee
Up to 2.00% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.
Annual Trustee Fee
Up to 0.07% per annum of the NAV of the Fund (exclude foreign custodian fee, if any).
Entry Fee
Up to 3% of the Net Investment Amount
Net Investment Amount is the number of units at the NAV per Unit.
Exit Fee
You may not be able to redeem any Units within 12 months from the date of investment.
Unit Holder will be subjected to an exit fee of up to 5% on the Redemption proceeds if the Redemption is made within 3 years from the date of investment. The exit fee will be credited to the Fund.
Performance Fee
The Manager is entitled to a Performance Fee of up to 10% on the net total returns upon redemption or capital distribution, computed on each Unit Holder’s account individually. For avoidance of doubt, the net total returns for each Unit Holder’s account will be calculated by comparing the net investment amount (excluding entry fee) to redemption or capital distribution value.
This table describes the charges that you may incur when you buy or redeem Units of the Funds.
Minimum Initial Investment
RM50,000 or equivalent to USD10,000 for non-MYR Class of Units or such other limit at the Manager’s discretion.
Minimum Additional Investment
RM10,000 or equivalent in other currency in the respective Class Currency for the Class of Units or such other limit at the Manager’s discretion.
Minimum Redemption
RM50,000 or equivalent to USD10,000 for non-MYR Class of Units or such other amount as decided by the Manager.
Minimum Redemption
We will pay you within 7 Business Days upon receipt of the duly completed original Redemption form.
Redemption Restriction
You may not be able to redeem your Units within the first 12 months from the investment date.
Investors may face difficulties in redeeming their investments as the Manager or a Class of Units may not be able to dispose of the investments and has insufficient cash.
Relevant information may differ from Fund to Fund. Please refer to the individual Fund’s documents for comprehensive information. In the event of any discrepancies, the Prospectus/Information Memorandum (where applicable) shall prevail.
Prospectus / Information Memorandum
Product Highlights Sheet
Fact Sheet
Annual Report
Interim Report / Quarterly Report