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Our Funds

Areca Islamic equityTRUST Fund

Fund Information

Fund Name

Areca Islamic equityTRUST Fund

Fund Category/Type

Islamic (Equity) / Growth

Objective of the Fund

To provide investors with Medium to Long Term capital growth by investing primarily in a portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities.

Launch Date

9 September 2022

Asset Allocation

Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah compliant equity-related securities: 70%-98% of the NAV of the Fund

Islamic Liquid Assets: Minimum 2% of the NAV of the Fund

Performance Benchmark

1-year Average Returns of the funds under Lipper’s “Equity Malaysia-Islamic” category.

Performance (%)

(Data Maintenance: Updates underway for data accuracy. Some data may not be up to date. Please refer to the attached Fund Documents for current information. Thank you for your patience.)

Total Return 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 10-Year Since Inception
MYR -2.42 - - - -2.42
Total ReturnMYR
Since Inception-2.42

As of 03 Mar 2025.

Fund Chart

Areca Islamic equityTRUST Fund

Income Distribution/Unit Split

*Yield = Net Distribution/Post-Income Distribution NAV

Fee & Expenses

Annual Management Fee

Up to 2.00% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.

Annual Trustee Fee

Up to 0.06% per annum of the NAV of the Fund, subject to a minimum fee of RM6,000 per annum.


Entry Fee

Up to 3% of the net investment amount.

Net investment amount is the number of Units at the NAV per Unit.

Performance Fee

The Manager is entitled to a Performance Fee of up to 20% on the net total returns upon redemption or capital distribution, computed on each investor’s account individually.


For avoidance of doubt, the net total returns for each Unit Holder’s account will be calculated by comparing the net investment amount (including entry fee) to redemption or capital distribution value.


Minimum Initial Investment

RM10,000 or such other limit at the Manager’s discretion.

Minimum Additional Investment

RM1,000 or such other limit at the Manager’s discretion.

Minimum Redemption

10,000 Units or such other lower limit at the Manager’s discretion.

Redemption Payment

We will pay you within seven (7) Business Days upon receipt of the duly completed original Redemption form. However, for this Fund, it is our general Redemption policy to make payment within three (3) Business Days (T+3 day).

Cooling Off Rights

A cooling-off right is given to you if you are investing in any unit trust fund managed by us for the first time. The cooling-off period given to you is six (6) Business Days commencing from the date of receipt of the investment application by us. The refund for every Unit held following a request by you pursuant to the exercise of a cooling-right should be the sum of:

– the NAV per Unit at the point of exercise of the cooling-off right (“market price”), if the NAV per Unit on the day the Units were purchased (“original price”) is higher than the market price; or
– the original price, if the market price is higher than the original price;

together with the charges imposed on the day the units were purchased.

Where the market price is higher than the original price paid by an investor, we may agree to pay the investor the excess amount, provided that such amount is not paid out of the Fund or the assets of the Fund.

A cooling-off right is given to an individual investor except for where such investor is a staff of the Manager and persons registered with a body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts.

The monies to be refunded to you pursuant to the exercise of a cooling-off right will only be paid after we have received cleared funds for the original investment.

You must submit the completed cooling-off form before the cut-off time on any Business Day. We will process your transaction on the next Business day if we receive your application after the cut-off time.

Relevant information may differ from Fund to Fund. Please refer to the individual Fund’s documents for comprehensive information. In the event of any discrepancies, the Prospectus/Information Memorandum (where applicable) shall prevail.


Prospectus / Information Memorandum


Product Highlights Sheet


Fact Sheet


Annual Report


Interim Report / Quarterly Report


Disclaimer for Fund Information and Individual Fund Pages

The information contained in the download section is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty and subject to change without notice. All information is the sole property of Areca Capital Sdn Bhd (“ACSB”) and is prohibited to be reproduced, copied, recompiled, decompiled, dissembled, distributed, published, displayed and/or modified without the prior written permission of ACSB. However, downloading and printing hard copies of the information for personal use is permitted as long as all copyright and/or other notices contained in the information, if any, is not removed.

All unit trust funds offered are intended only to be made available in Malaysia or to any person in Malaysia only. Investors are advised to read and understand the relevant Prospectus/Information Memorandum (Principal and/or Supplemental – if any) and Product Highlights Sheet of the respective fund, collectively known as the Disclosure Documents. Any other information outside the designated area of the Disclosure Documents does not form part of the Disclosure Documents, and that the unit trusts are offered solely on the basis of the information contained in the Disclosure Documents.

No subscription of unit trusts can be conducted through this website. Units can only be issued on the receipt of a physical application form. Application form can be obtained electronically via this website or can be found together with a printed version of the Disclosure Documents from any of Areca Capital Sdn Bhd’s offices. Please note that wholesale fund is for Sophisticated Investors only.