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Fund NameFund TypeAsset ClassMarkets & RegionsProspectus/ Information MemorandumProduct Highlights SheetFact SheetFund Reports
Areca incomeTRUST FundRetailFixed IncomeMalaysia
Areca equityTRUST FundRetailEquityMalaysia
Areca moneyTRUST FundRetailMoney MarketMalaysia
Areca enhancedINCOME FundRetailMixed AssetMalaysia
Areca Steady fixedINCOME FundWholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia
Areca Flexi fixedINCOME FundWholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia
Areca Islamic Cash FundWholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia 
Areca Dividend Income FundRetailEquityMalaysia
Areca Situational Income 2.0 FundWholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Progressive Income FundWholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 2.0WholesaleEquityMalaysia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 3.0WholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Strategic Income Fund 2.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Progressive Income Fund 3.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Progressive Income Fund 4.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Strategic Income Fund 5.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Focus Leverage FundWholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Dragon Technology FundWholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Equity Growth FundRetailEquityMalaysia
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 5.0WholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 6.0WholesaleEquityMalaysia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 8.0WholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 9.0WholesaleEquityMalaysia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 10.0WholesaleEquityMalaysia  
Areca USD Dynamic Assets FundRetailEquityGlobal
Areca REIT Leverage FundWholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Value FundWholesaleEquityMalaysia  
Areca Global Emerging Momentum Fund 2WholesaleEquityGlobal  
Areca Islamic equityTRUST FundRetailEquityMalaysia
Areca Focus Leverage Fund 2WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Progressive Income Fund 8.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Strategic Income Fund 8.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Islamic incomeTRUST FundRetailFixed IncomeMalaysia
Areca Strategic Income Fund 9.0WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Strategic Income Fund 11WholesaleFixed IncomeMalaysia  
Areca Aggressive Alpha FundRetailEquityMalaysia 
Areca China A-Share Alpha FundWholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Global Emerging Momentum Fund 3WholesaleEquityGlobal  
Areca Premier Wealth FundWholesaleEquityAsia  
Areca Dynamic Growth Fund 11WholesaleEquityAsia  

Disclaimer for Fund Information and Individual Fund Pages

The information contained in the download section is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty and subject to change without notice. All information is the sole property of Areca Capital Sdn Bhd (“ACSB”) and is prohibited to be reproduced, copied, recompiled, decompiled, dissembled, distributed, published, displayed and/or modified without the prior written permission of ACSB. However, downloading and printing hard copies of the information for personal use is permitted as long as all copyright and/or other notices contained in the information, if any, is not removed.

All unit trust funds offered are intended only to be made available in Malaysia or to any person in Malaysia only. Investors are advised to read and understand the relevant Prospectus/Information Memorandum (Principal and/or Supplemental – if any) and Product Highlights Sheet of the respective fund, collectively known as the Disclosure Documents. Any other information outside the designated area of the Disclosure Documents does not form part of the Disclosure Documents, and that the unit trusts are offered solely on the basis of the information contained in the Disclosure Documents.

No subscription of unit trusts can be conducted through this website. Units can only be issued on the receipt of a physical application form. Application form can be obtained electronically via this website or can be found together with a printed version of the Disclosure Documents from any of Areca Capital Sdn Bhd’s offices. Please note that wholesale fund is for Sophisticated Investors only.